Things I Wish I Knew, Vol. 14: New semester resolutions you should have (and ones you shouldn’t)

Happy almost new year!

I find that this time of year, people generally fall into one of two buckets: what I like to call the Calvins of the world…


…and those of us who resolutely (heh) make a list of things about ourselves that we would like to change. If you’re anything like me growing up, you make your list feeling great about it  every December, then come February, you kind of feel the way you do when you’ve napped for too long: disoriented, vaguely angry, and wondering what the heck happened to you.

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Time for a little light reading over break

In addition to the relief of the workload that finals season imposes, the end of the semester gives you the chance to read something you choose. Law school doesn’t provide much free time to kick back with any books besides the ones your professors assign for class reading.

Personally, I’m taking the opportunity to sink my teeth into something written by a former Supreme Court justice that isn’t about what the law is, but rather what he thinks it should be. No lengthy fact patterns or dissents!

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